Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Washington DC

Well, the day after we arrived in Baltimore, we drove to Washington, DC. Believe it or not, I had never been there before, even on a field trip as a child......I was never allowed to do anything! We checked into the hotel, dropped our bags and hit the ground running because there was a lot to see in a really short amount of time, 3 days. Washington Monument was our first stop.

Next stop we the new WWII Memorial.....impressive.

We ran into Senator Bob Dole. Rob really wanted to shake his hand and chat with him, but he thought it would be rude to walk up to him like everyone else was doing, so we just moved on.

All of the states are listed all the way around the fountain. We had some trouble figuring out what the logic was as we walked around, and my final guess was that they started with the first state on the right and then went from left to right. Of course, Rob wasnt' so sure that was correct, so we had to walk over to the information booth and the gentleman there verified my logic was correct.....woohoo!

Lincoln Memorial

Vietnam Veteral Wall

Rob was determined to find the Einstein sculpture, so we walked, and walked, and walked, but finally found it. Needless to say, I wasn't leaving without a picture of them.

The White House

A picture for BIL......his favorite

Capitol Hill

Rob's first trip to an art museum.....he was a trooper!

We tried to have some fun, but the guard was standing off to the left of us and he started screaming across the museum as I was taking the picture because he thought Rob was actually touching the art. Thank goodness I had taken pictures with a digital camera so I could show him we were just playing around making it look like he was hugging the creature, but he really wasn't.
Guess it worked!

Theodore Roosevelt Island

We decided to pretend like we were standing in the soup line during the depression. Probably would have been better if we had our heads down.....maybe next time.

Arlington National Cemetery

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

Baskside of Capitol Hill....under construction

Supreme Court

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