Saturday, November 15, 2008

Tampa Bay, FL

I decided to hang out at home for a couple of weeks and then headed to Tampa Bay, FL with 'the party girls'. Karen used to work with us and then she and Tim moved to Tampa Bay, so every May Sueann, Sandy and I go visit for a long weekend and do nothing but hand on the beach, eat, drink and laugh.

We were sitting there and saw these birds walking in circles, sometimes chasing each other. I suggested this may be a mating ritual, not that I have ever seen birds do it before, only heard it in the song and I had a hunch. Everyone laughed hysterically, but we kept watching.

and watching.......

and sure enough they started pecking each other and the next thing we knew, the male jumped up on top of the female and they were doing the wild thing right before out very eyes!

Sueann and Sandy trying not to commit alcohol abuse when they get hit by the waves.

This pelican really liked us and wanted to be near.

Once he hung around us for a while, he felt comfortable and decided to relax.

OK, we were just wondering......why?

We got wild and crazy this year and went all out to get temporary tatoos!

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