Saturday, November 15, 2008

Happy Hour at Patty's

Every Friday there is a group of us from work that go to Skyline for lunch. Periodically, we will call a happy hour and don't go back to work. In June, we decided to also skip lunch and go to Patty's house for our happy hour. She had the fixin's for us to make our own Skyline. It was a very bright day, but thank goodness I had my beer goggles.

Jell-O shots for everyone, except Ken

More Jell-O shots......we couldn't get enough of them!

The problem with so many Jell-O shots is that you then need party pads. Lucky for us, Leslie had provided a whole box full of them!

This actually isn't a bad picture of Todd riding Shamu, but you should have seen him trying to get on.

Patty had made CD's for all of us as take home prizes

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