Monday, December 29, 2008

Brinkman Family Christmas 2008

We had the annual Brinkman Family Christmas on Saturday, December 13th at the St Bernard Municipal Building. I believe we had the largest turnout ever! Here are some of the shots I took

First, we took a picture of two guys in a hat.....
Then there were three!

My favorite Godson

Aunt Pill, Lyn and Uncle Kayo

Nice food spread

Rusty and Linda join in the conversation

There was fun to be had by everyone

Nice shot of Aunt Bull and Bill

Do you believe it....the entire Buddy Mayborg clan was in attendence!

My favorite Godson again.....can't get enough of him

Oh Dear, Santa came and Jan is drinking

It wouldn't be a Christmas without DJ Joe

Dr Phil? Oh, and yes, that is Kyle in the background

I don't remember who this was, but he sure was having trouble with his drawers

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