Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas 2008

Merry Christmas all!
We celebrated Christmas at Koebbe's this year. Jan, of course, had the place decorated to the hilt and as you can see the food was awesome.

Mackenzie and Carter had fun sitting at their little table

Bryan was on diaper changing duty because Allie was holding Trevor and he was sleeping. We're not sure why he had to take Mackenzie's shoes and pants off, but while putting them back on, he was trying to put both legs in one pant leg and then when he saw the camera, be backed away.....hmmmmmmm

Let the gift unwrapping begin........

There were even a few gifts for Rob

As has always been, the true entertainment of all the gifts is the large box a gift came in. Nice to see some things never change

Brinkman Family Christmas 2008

We had the annual Brinkman Family Christmas on Saturday, December 13th at the St Bernard Municipal Building. I believe we had the largest turnout ever! Here are some of the shots I took

First, we took a picture of two guys in a hat.....
Then there were three!

My favorite Godson

Aunt Pill, Lyn and Uncle Kayo

Nice food spread

Rusty and Linda join in the conversation

There was fun to be had by everyone

Nice shot of Aunt Bull and Bill

Do you believe it....the entire Buddy Mayborg clan was in attendence!

My favorite Godson again.....can't get enough of him

Oh Dear, Santa came and Jan is drinking

It wouldn't be a Christmas without DJ Joe

Dr Phil? Oh, and yes, that is Kyle in the background

I don't remember who this was, but he sure was having trouble with his drawers

Thanksgiving 2008

We spent Thanksgiving at Lisa and Pat's this year. It was a great day, Trevor was in a good mood and Carter was a crazy man.....surprise!

Trevor's first Thanksgiving
No one else knew, but Trevor was very well aware that Rob was not comfortable holding babies.

Look at Grandpa Dodie carrying on a conversation.

The table was lovely! I wish I could say the food was excellent, but I was still in the middle of my C Diff, so my dinner consisted of a little turkey, a baked potato and Gatorade......woohoo!

Weekend in Connecticut August 14 - 17, 2008

Rob and I flew with his Dad Jim and Jim's wife Lee to Connecticut for a long weekend. His sister Kim, her husband Rob and their kids Alex, Amanda and Megan live in Connecticut and drove over to visit. Rob's sister Lisa, her husband Chuck and their kids Rachel and Thomas drove in from Baltimore, MD. We swam for so long we were waterlogged! On Saturday, we drove over to Kim and Rob's house to have a cookout.

Rob decided he was going to be the next Guitar Hero....what a hoot!

There was some really good hula hooping and.......................

there was some not so really good hula hooping.